mind map

Walt:so we have been luring is a digital food print the class has and why did you think we did it, so we can see what we have been doing and what you have been ,doing your self and to see what you have been doing to remember what you have done past the day.

i enjoy … doing it

i did not … hard

what do you think?

Is it cool?

do you like it ? I did I love it



today we went sailing with Steph and Avrll at Taipa and it so so so  fun we had to do starjumps and my buddies are Anahera wait what was i saying ya wean as doing the starjumps she fell of the boat. Then we are going to get the ruder ducky but first i have to simin says and she said to do a dive if you what to and Anahera  jump I was stering the sail boat and Anahera was  doing the sail now on we are doing to grad the ruder duckys  Anahera and me got Harild and Anahera was not happy and we got back for the other team.

I most in enjoy…. sailing

I did’t in enjoy is….stering the boat

what should I improve?

Weekend recount

 WALT write a recount, recraft and edit 

On Friday my mum and I called my dad in Australia and we said come back! He said not until 20th I cried a little.He was there 2 months ago and on Saturday I was riding my bike and saw Jackson.n and then I fell of my bike and I next  to my funeral his name is called Jackson 28 years old so he passed away 5.3.24 it was so sad. On our way home we stopped and got an ice cream I got boysenberry, blueberry my mum got pineapple and banana smelt yum tasted yummy finally we got to play on the playground there was a big swing………..



Bostins Guinea pig

WAL how to hold a baby guinea pig

yesterday we had  Bostins guinea pig. There were four babies and one mum. They were in a cage and their claws are sharp very sharp. I was scared to hold it one so I didn’t hold it. The mum didn’t hop out because she was scared .I  didn’t hold it because it will pee on me or poo on me. It peed Shaylyn and it  pooed on April and Te Miringa sat on poo. They eat cabbage , parsley and they eat hay. One is white and brown and one is just  brown. I love guinea pigs even that i didn’t hold  it. They are so fun. They are so cute and they are not that cool because they are funny there was poo mostly every were we pick it up with are hands and then we washed are hands and I was scared to sit on the mat because it will probably be poo on the mat but it was not on the mat.








First we put water with in the plant and it grow up like we do every week we water it.i love to eat it yum yum 
            it grow so much that my eyes were surprise me.
i got  so happy but not if my family eats it all! do you like peas or beans.I love peas.They are nice and yum.I am eating it.

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